검색어 "Nepal "에 대한 검색결과 "총 58건"

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Mana Ranjan Josse 네팔 칼럼니스트 방한 2006.03.31
...마나 란잔 조세(Mana Ranjan Josse) Rising Nepal지 칼럼니스트가 한국국제교류재단(이사장: 권인혁) 초청으로 4...전 대통령등 주요 정상들과 인터뷰하였으며, 현재는 Rising Nepal, The Khatmandu Post를 비롯한 주요 4개 일간...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[Fellowship]2008 KF Awardees for the Graduate Studies Fellowship for Foreign Students in Korea 2008.02.22
...na, Seoul National Univ. Ph.D.('06.9~)30. Mr. Krishna Bahadur Adhikari, Nepal, Ajou Univ. M.A.('07.9~)31. Ms. Li Yan, China, Ewha Womans Univ. M.A.(...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[PR] New Documentary Films on Korean Culture 2008.01.04
...ang, where he conducts research on Korean literature; Panta Navarage of Nepal who teaches Hangeul as part of his efforts to reduce the illiteracy of...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Awardees] 2009 Korean Language Training Fellowship 2008.10.21
....<2009 Korean Language Training Fellowship Awardees>Adhikary, Khshmira (Nepal)Agbadje, Adémola (Republic of Benin)Akyol, Muhammet Saruhan Semih (Tur...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
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Opening a New Chapter of Korea-Nepal Relations 2021.04.19

Opening a New Chapter of Korea-<font color='red'>Nepal</font> Relations

...he National Planning Commission of Nepal, recently visited Korea at the in...ed in Nepal. In terms of politics, Nepal is about to launch a new governme...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 4월 > Tokyo Office
Korea...With My Own Eyes! 2014.02.14

Korea...With My Own Eyes!

...tly before the 21st century began. Nepal was no exception to this trend. I...rea during my younger days back in Nepal. Korea remained a kind of utopian...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2011년 한국국제교류재단 7월 뉴스레터 > people
[The World in Korea] Nepal Street in Changsin-dong Exudes Nepali Culture and Flavor 2021.10.24

[The World in Korea] <font color='red'>Nepal</font> Street in Changsin-dong Exudes Nepali Culture and Flavor

KF Features > [The World in Korea] Nepal Street in Changsin-dong Exudes Ne...ure and Flavor [The World in Korea]Nepal Street in Changsin-dong Exudes Ne...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.11 > KF Features
[Review] 2019 KF Public Diplomacy Project 2019.10.19

[Review] 2019 KF Public Diplomacy Project

...N Project Team conducted the Korea+Nepal Culture Night program at the Nati...cting Korea and Nepal through arts. #Korea #Africa #Nepal #Public_Diplomacy
KF NEWSLETTER > 2019년 한국국제교류재단 11월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
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