검색어 "New Southern Policy"에 대한 검색결과 "총 64건"

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[FRIDE] 한미희 1개월차 2015.11.16
...lations. The mission is to inform policy and practice in order to ensure t...sels, FRIDE seeks to enhance the southern European perspective within EU d...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[도서관] 미국 남가주대(USC) 한국학도서관 홍정연 2개월차 2017.05.16
... 도서관 인턴십 파견기관 미국 / University of Southern California 파견기간 2017년 2월 ~ 2017년... Pacific Council on International Policy forum (3/31) Pacific Council과 Kor...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[싱크탱크] 미국 우드로윌슨센터 오예림 3개월차 2023.11.14
...이 빨리 가는 것 같네요. 1. 참여행사 (10월 17일) Southern Voices Network for Peace Buildin.... 윌슨 센터 내에서 The diplomat, Foreign Policy, New York Times 등의 인터넷 신문을 무제한으로 ...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
KF Korean Studies Assembly 2015 2015.07.01
...ission) Session 3: Challenges and Policy Suggestions in Korean Studies by ...C. KANG Professor, University of Southern California - Presenters: ▪ Renat...
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The New Southern Policy: Korea's New ASEAN Initiative 2020.01.01

The <font color='red'>New</font> <font color='red'>Southern</font> <font color='red'>Policy</font>: Korea's <font color='red'>New</font> ASEAN Initiative

SPECIAL COLUMN The New Southern Policy: Korea's New ASEAN Initiative   Prof... the New Southern Policy is Korea's new international strategy to overcome...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2020년 1월 VOL29 > Special
[Special contribution article 2] Voices of KF Next Generation Policy Experts' Network Participants 2021.07.22

[Special contribution article 2] Voices of KF Next Generation <font color='red'>Policy</font> Experts' Network Participants

...e 2] Voices of KF Next Generation Policy Experts' Network Participants [Sp... mutual concern, especially Korea's New Southern Policy. Participants also...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.08 > KF Features
The Future of Korea-ASEAN Sociocultural Cooperation in the Post-COVID-19 Era 2021.01.01

The Future of Korea-ASEAN Sociocultural Cooperation in the Post-COVID-19 Era

...ts of the economic revitalization policy are easy to see once you take int...st-COVID-19 era) is growing. Of the New Southern Policy's “3Ps” (People, P...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2021년 1월 VOL41 > Special Feature
New Members of the KF Team in 2019 2020.03.02

<font color='red'>New</font> Members of the KF Team in 2019

...upports Korea-related research at policy institutes abroad in order to cre...affected by the Korean government's New Southern Policy. Q. How do you lik...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.03 > People
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