검색어 "Online Concert"에 대한 검색결과 "총 82건"

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(-11/24(Sun) Extended)2019 KF Global Bridge II "Solar Walk" Concert 2019.11.15
[Invitation] Solar Walk Concert, Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Diplom...public. Seats are assigned via an online reservation system. If you succes...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Confirmation of Attendees] 2019 KF Global Bridge II “Solar Walk” Concert 2019.11.22
... KF Global Bridge II “Solar Walk” Concert Thank you for your interest in a...public. Seats are assigned via an online reservation system. If you succes...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Confirmation of Attendees] KF Gallery Open Stage 3 Brazilian Guitarist Marco Pereira Concert 2019.07.18
...rt of the KF Gallery Open Stage 3 concert series. We are pleased to confir...blic, we offer tickets through an online reservation system. If you succes...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Confirmation of Attendees] KF Gallery Open Stage 1 Concert by Paraguayan Harpist Ismael Ledesma 2019.03.04
...rt of the KF Gallery Open Stage 1 concert series. We are pleased to confir...blic, we offer tickets through an online reservation system. If you succes...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
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[Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] Online Concert Series: Musical Rendezvous of Korea and France 2021.07.22

[Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] <font color='red'>Online</font> <font color='red'>Concert</font> Series: Musical Rendezvous of Korea and France

KF Features  > [Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] Online Concert Series: Musical Rendezvous of Korea and France [Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] Online Co...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.08 > KF Features
KF Virtual Concert Series: Stay Joyful 2020.07.25

KF Virtual <font color='red'>Concert</font> Series: Stay Joyful

KF Activities > KF Virtual Concert Series: Stay Joyful KF Virtual Concert S...ic, the KF presents a series of 9 online concerts under the title “Stay Jo...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.08 > kf activities
National Gugak Center Director-General Lim Jae-won 2020.07.25

National Gugak Center Director-General Lim Jae-won

...al Gugak Center is busily running online programs. In joint efforts with K...ts the “Gugak in (人)” project, an online concert for traditional artists w...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.08 > people
ASEAN Music Meets Korean Instruments: ASEAN x SINAWI 2021.02.20

ASEAN Music Meets Korean Instruments: ASEAN x SINAWI

...ay in the month of March, the KF's ASEAN Culture House will present an online concert series combining the traditional music of Korea and the ten ASEAN mem...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.03 > KF Activities
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