검색어 "Online Inauguration"에 대한 검색결과 "총 6건"

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2021 KF Public Diplomacy Projects Selects Winners and Holds Online Inauguration 2021.05.30

2021 KF Public Diplomacy Projects Selects Winners and Holds <font color='red'>Online</font> <font color='red'>Inauguration</font>

...tivities > 2021 KF Public Diplomacy Projects Selects Winners and Holds Online Inauguration 2021 KF Public Diplomacy Projects Selects Winners and Holds Online ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.06 > KF Activities
2020 KF Public Diplomacy Projects Final Selection of Successful Teams & Online Inauguration 2020.06.23

2020 KF Public Diplomacy Projects Final Selection of Successful Teams & <font color='red'>Online</font> <font color='red'>Inauguration</font>

...020 KF Public Diplomacy Projects Final Selection of Successful Teams & Online Inauguration 2020 KF Public Diplomacy ProjectsFinal Selection of Successful Team...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.07 > kf activities
Online Inauguration of 2022 KF Public Diplomacy Projects 2022.07.29

<font color='red'>Online</font> <font color='red'>Inauguration</font> of 2022 KF Public Diplomacy Projects

...ear's KF Public Diplomacy Projects joined an official opening ceremony online. The program is part of the KF's efforts to bolster civic participatio...
KF > Public Participation
[KF Card News] The 2020 KF Public Diplomacy Projects 2021.05.30

[KF Card News] The 2020 KF Public Diplomacy Projects

...ube.com/watch?v=_rRccTW5224&t=6s ② 2020 KF Public Diplomacy Projects — Online Inauguration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeJFI1StSjY&t=71s ③ KF and Public D...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.06 > What's On
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