검색어 "Open Stage "에 대한 검색결과 "총 1012건"

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[Invitation] KF Gallery Open Stage 2 Little Companion Art Troupe Choir Concert with World Vision Korea Children's Choir 2015.01.27
[Invitation] KF Gallery Open Stage 2 Little Companion Art Troupe Choir Conc... invites you to attend “KF Gallery Open Stage 2.” [KF Gallery Open Stage 2...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Invitation] KF Gallery Open Stage 6 Erik T. Tawaststjerna and Sung-Ju Lee Duo Concert 2016.10.31
The Korea Foundation invites you to attend the KF Gallery Open Stage 6 Erik T. Tawaststjerna and Sung-Ju Lee Duo Concert. [Concert] •Date/Time: Nov. 1...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Invitation] KF Gallery Open Stage 4 Harmony of the Harvard Krokodiloes 2015.06.10
[Invitation] KF Gallery Open Stage 4 Harmony of the Harvard Krokodiloes The...you to attend the “KF Gallery Open Stage 4” performance KF Gallery Open St...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Notice of Cancellation] KF Gallery Open Stage 1: Concert by Costa Rican Choir El Café Chorale 2020.02.11
Thank you for your interest in the KF Gallery Open Stage. KF Gallery Open Stage 1: Concert by Costa Rican Choir El Café Chorale, scheduled for Februar...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
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  • (총 638건)
KF Gallery Open Stage Presents Viola Ensemble 2014.02.27

KF Gallery <font color='red'>Open</font> <font color='red'>Stage</font> Presents Viola Ensemble

...of the Ola Viola Sound. The second Open Stage program for 2012 of the Kore...experience to remember. KF Gallery Open Stage The KF Gallery Open Stage wa...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 4월 뉴스레터 > culture
KF GALLERY OPEN STAGE 1,2: Opening the KF Gallery 2015 Open Stage with Art from Neighboring Countries 2015.03.03

KF GALLERY <font color='red'>OPEN</font> <font color='red'>STAGE</font> 1,2: Opening the KF Gallery 2015 <font color='red'>Open</font> <font color='red'>Stage</font> with Art from Neighboring Countries

KF GALLERY OPEN STAGE 1,2: Opening the KF Gallery 2015 Open Stage with Art from Neigh- boring Countries The KF Gallery 2015 Open Stage program opened ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2015년 한국국제교류재단 3월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
KF Gallery Open Stage 5 한-칠레 수교 50주년 기념 듀오 콘선트 2014.02.27

KF Gallery <font color='red'>Open</font> <font color='red'>Stage</font> 5 한-칠레 수교 50주년 기념 듀오 콘선트

한국국제교류재단(KF)은 지난 10월 26일, ‘KF Gallery Open Stage 5 - 한-칠레 수교 50주년 기념 듀오 콘서트' 를 개최했다. 칠레를 대표하는 플루티스트 비비아나 구스만과 피아니스트 마이니 때아베는 널리 일려진 클래식 곡에서부터 열정적인 탱고 ...
KF뉴스레터 > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 12월 뉴스레터 > culture
2014 KF Gallery Open Stage 4~5 2014.09.29

2014 KF Gallery <font color='red'>Open</font> <font color='red'>Stage</font> 4~5

2014년도 KF Gallery Open Stage 의 마지막 프로그램이 될 네 번째, 다섯 번째 공연이 지난 9월 22일과 24일에 ...Stage 4 알렉시스 바예호스 클래식 기타 콘서트 KF Gallery Open Stage 5 우루과이 탱고 가수 모니카 나바로 콘서트
한국국제교류재단 > 아츠미디어

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