...(Mr. Carlos Jorge Biedermann) 파라과이 광고주협회 회장(Camara de Anunciantes del Paraguay; CAP)이 한국국제교류재단 주관 초청으로 10월 16일부터 22일까지 6박 7일의 일정으로 방한합니다. 미국 스탠퍼트대 마...
...ia pino(patricia pino) 파라과이 1977-05-05 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Paraguay General Secretary of Protocol Assistant 42 Aamir Ali(Aamir Ali) 파키스탄 ...
... to Korea, eight prominent individuals from Argentine, Mexico, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Panama will visit Korea during the...
...14 films—from Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Guatemala, Paraguay, Sweden, Turkey, Peru, and Indonesia, Thailand, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgy...
...0 Years of Korean Immigration to Paraguay 'On the Way to the Land with No ...0 Years of Korean Immigration to Paraguay... Exhibition to Commemorate 50 ...
...0 Years of Korean Immigration to Paraguay 'On the Way to the Land with No ...0 Years of Korean Immigration to Paraguay : ‘On the Way... Commemorating 5...
...50 Years of Korean Emigration to Paraguay: On the Way to the Land with No ...50 Years of Korean Emigration to Paraguay On the Way to... Exhibition to C...
... speech contests will be held in Paraguay, Russia, Australia, the Czech Re... Contest Date Country Venue 10/5 Paraguay Sejong Center at Colegio Coreano...