검색어 "Patent Applications"에 대한 검색결과 "총 4건"

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[Infographic] Korea 2nd in Rise of Patent Applications for AI-based Medical Image Analysis Tech 2023.11.23

[Infographic] Korea 2nd in Rise of <font color='red'>Patent</font> <font color='red'>Applications</font> for AI-based Medical Image Analysis Tech

 Features >  Korea 2nd in Rise of Patent Applications for AI-based Medical Image Analysis Tech Korea 2nd in Rise of Patent Applications for AI-based M...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.12 > Features
[Infographic] Korea Ranks 7th Worldwide in Applications for Space Tech Patents 2023.01.18

[Infographic] Korea Ranks 7th Worldwide in <font color='red'>Applications</font> for Space Tech Patents

...  Korea Ranks 7th Worldwide in Applications for Space Tech Patents Korea R...l Property Office (KIPO) analyzed patent applications for B64G (cosmonauti...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.02 > Features
[Infographic] Korea Ranked Fourth in PCT Applications for Three Years in a Row 2023.04.21

[Infographic] Korea Ranked Fourth in PCT <font color='red'>Applications</font> for Three Years in a Row

... >  Korea Ranked Fourth in PCT Applications for Three Years in a Row Korea...rea ranked fourth in the world in patent applications for the third consec...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.05 > Features
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