검색어 "Performance"에 대한 검색결과 "총 1201건"

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Strategic Planning Department Strategy planning management II, ESG operations and ESG performance management, total management of overseas offices, board of directors I +82-64-804-1162
HR Department Human resource management, personnel evaluation, performance assessment +82-64-804-1068
HR Department Human resource development, human resource management, social contribution activities, ALIO (All Public Information In-One) management, performance assessment +82-64-804-1089
KF Global Center KF Global Challengers (Internship, Fellow), Public Diplomacy Academy, KF Global Arts-Performance +82-2-2151-6526
  • 게시판
  • (총 171건)
<2023 공공외교랩소디 – Melodies without Borders> 개최 및 예매 안내 2023.08.28
...le will present a collaborative performance with Senegalese kora master Ab... 디렉터) Moon (Director of African Performance Arts Group 'Fonike"] 장소 Venue ...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[ACH] Viva ASEAN – ASEAN Cultural Roadshow 2019.10.11
...국별 전통 및 민속 무용 Unique & Splendid Performance by Each Country 2막 하나로 모이는 모든 ... 조화 Unison for Unity 합동공연 Joint Performance 아세안 공연예술의 정수를 보여줄 공동 창작 공연 Col...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Confirmation of Attendees] 2018 KF Friendship Concert 2018.04.13
...r of seat reservations for this performance, as indicated in the listing b...nter: (02) 2151-6542 or e-mail: performance@kf.or.kr. *For performance eve...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Invitation] KF Friendship Concert 2018 2018.04.09
...f you would like to attend this performance, Please visit the Foundation's...ntact (02) 2151-6542 or e-mail: performance@kf.or.kr. -For performance eve...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 808건)
Performance Tour of Anseong Namsadang Troupe 2021.04.19

<font color='red'>Performance</font> Tour of Anseong Namsadang Troupe

...ested in organizing a namsadang performance, applied for Korea Foundation ...nored to participate in another performance tour of the Middle East. Altho...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 12월 > Moscow Office
Korean Quartet Performs in India, Pakistan 2021.04.19

Korean Quartet Performs in India, Pakistan

...e TaTa Theatre, one of the best performance facilities in Mumbai, India, w...d the scenes to each successful performance. Thank you all for a successfu...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2004년 2월 > President's Inaugural Message
Korea's Improvisational Dance and Music Presented at Bimhuis 2021.04.19

Korea's Improvisational Dance and Music Presented at Bimhuis

...pany of Korea presented a joint performance, with the Magpie Music Dance C... our almost two-hour-long joint performance. The performance at the Bimhui...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 2월 > KF Activities
Korean Folk Performances Delight Libyan Audiences 2021.04.19

Korean Folk Performances Delight Libyan Audiences

...deogi Pungmuldan, a Korean folk performance troupe, performed in Libya to ...and Western aspects of a B-boys performance. Thereafter, it was agreed tha...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 12월 > Scent of Culture IV

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