검색어 "Persian Blue"에 대한 검색결과 "총 4건"

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[Interview] Maintaining Dialogue and Exchange through Art Painter HooHoo 2022.05.26

[Interview] Maintaining Dialogue and Exchange through Art Painter HooHoo

...ing activities, you have a gugak (traditional music) fusion band named Persian Blue. Please tell us about it. While studying culture and arts management in...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.06 > People
[Special contribution article 1] Thoughts on a Shift in the Eurasian Strategic Landscape and Korea's Advance toward Central Asia 2021.03.23

[Special contribution article 1] Thoughts on a Shift in the Eurasian Strategic Landscape and Korea's Advance toward Central Asia

...ian region is being viewed as the “blue ocean” of the future. Recent devel...zbekistan and Turkmenistan (Turco-Persian assimilation), Tajikistan (Persi...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.04 > KF Features
The Road to Utopia 2017.07.14

The Road to Utopia

...went about 100 meters down again until a gateway of stone appeared. The blue-green water of the river can be seen between the caves. The ideal world...
KF > Arts & Media
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