검색어 "Philippine"에 대한 검색결과 "총 81건"

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[ACH] 'Philippine Film Festival' 2019.09.10
Philippine Film Festival In Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Esta... Korea & the Centennial Year of Philippine Cinema/ACH Hall (4F), ASEAN Cul...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Notice] ACH will host [Philippine Film Festival] 2019.09.10
...between the Philippines and Korea, as well as the Centennial Year of Philippine Cinema, the ASEAN Culture House is pleased to co-host the Philippine Film Festival with the Embassy of the Philippines in Korea and the F...
ASEAN > News > Notice
[필리핀 아테네오마닐라대] 강지선 4개월차 2016.01.28
... 11월 11일 필리핀 대학교(University of the Philippines Diliman)에서 주최한 4번째 학회(Philippine Korean Studies Symposium)에 초청받아 참석하였습니다. 참고 사항 ▶2015년 12월 16일부터 2016...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[KF-ACH 보도자료] 아세안문화원, 무르익는 가을 필리핀 문화에 풍덩! [필리핀 영화제] 및 [알기쉬운 필리핀] 개최 2019.09.16
...제교류재단 ) 가 운영하는 아세안문화원은 9월 19 일 ( 목 ) 부터 9 월 22 일 ( 일 ) 까지 ‘ 필리핀 영화제 (Philippine Film Festival)' 및 ‘ 알기쉬운 필리핀(Easy Access Philippines)'을 개최한다 . 이번 행사...
한국국제교류재단 > KF소식 > 보도자료
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  • (총 66건)
Diversity of Philippine Culture on Display at Festivals 2019.09.01

Diversity of <font color='red'>Philippine</font> Culture on Display at Festivals

Interview Diversity of Philippine Culture on Display at Festivals: An Inter...ve field research at around 200 Philippine festivals. He has also worked a...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2019년 9월 VOL25 > Special
The Philippine Eagle, National Bird of the Philippines 2023.11.29

The <font color='red'>Philippine</font> Eagle, National Bird of the Philippines

ASEAN ZOO The Philippine Eagle, National Bird of the Philippines The Philippine Eagle, the national bird of the Philippines, is a bird of prey of the ...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2023년 11월 VOL75 > Special Feature
The Philippine MassKara Festival 2017.10.01

The <font color='red'>Philippine</font> MassKara Festival

...d is also a pun on maskara, the Philippine word for mask (itself from the ...mbolizes the strong will of the Philippine people to overcome life's many ...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2017년 10월 VOL2 > Special
Philippine Film Festival 2019.10.01

<font color='red'>Philippine</font> Film Festival

Review Philippine Film Festival   In celebration of the 70th anniversary of...ions and the Centennial Year of Philippine Cinema, the ASEAN Culture House...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2019년 10월 VOL26 > Activity
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