검색어 "Presentation"에 대한 검색결과 "총 546건"

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[싱크탱크] 미국 우드로윌슨센터 (WWICS) 박규현 6개월차 2016.08.08
...nthly Report VI: July 1. Final Presentation. July was definitely the busie...o the preparation for my final presentation. Leaving the Center at 1:00AM ...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[도서관] 미국 남가주대(USC) 한국학도서관 성은비 10개월차 2019.11.18
...감사의 말을 전합니다 1. 인턴 활동 - Library Presentation: Managing data/ Data managemen...a ⁄ Data management planning - Presentation by candidate for Head, VKC Lib...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[USC한국도서관] 홍은열 6개월차 2015.08.03
...h in Japanese studies. In your presentation today, please explain how you ...ian으로서의 경험은 부족한 지원자도 있었고, 준비해온 Presentation보다는 Presentation 이 끝난 후에 받았던 질문...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[독일 독일국제지역연구원] 양소연 5개월차 2016.02.18
...search outline of the RP4   -A presentation on the part of the department ...sarbeit)   -A project proposal presentation by Dr. Miriam Prys-Hansen on t...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
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‘Experience Korea with All of Your Senses!' 2021.04.19

‘Experience Korea with All of Your Senses!'

...nce to learn about and enjoy a presentation of Korea's traditional percuss...ori rhythms. Although only one presentation was planned, an impromptu enco...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 7월 > Washington D.C. Office
Sowing the Seeds of Korean Studies in South America 2021.04.19

Sowing the Seeds of Korean Studies in South America

...es in this region, through the presentation of lectures on Korea-related t... from Korea. The venue for our presentation was the auditorium of the Scho...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 11월 > Moscow Office
Symposium for Korean Art Curators Held in New York 2016.12.19

Symposium for Korean Art Curators Held in New York

...Korean Arts -Moderated by Lee Soyoung (Metropolitan Museum of Art) -Presentation 1: Joan Cummins (Brooklyn Museum) -Presentation 2: McCormick Im Sooa (Cleveland Museum of Art) -Presentation 3: Dai...
KF > Arts & Media
Third National Congress of Korean Studies 2021.04.19

Third National Congress of Korean Studies

...ture,” which was followed by a presentation by Minister Councilor of the E...ory and Religion, included the presentation of papers on such subjects as ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 10월 > Forum Report
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