검색어 "President of the Korea Foundation"에 대한 검색결과 "총 1053건"

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The Metropolitan Museum of Art Reception for Celebrating the Establishment of the Korea Foundation Curatorship Funds 2024.08.12
...n for Celebrating the Establishment of the Korea Foundation Curatorship Fu...latory Remarks Amb. KIM Gheewhan President of the Korea Foundation Good af...
KF > President > Speeches
[20230920/축사/영문] MET 기금큐레이터직 설치 기념식 Reception 2024.08.01
...n for Celebrating the Establishment of the Korea Foundation Curatorship Fu...latory Remarks Amb. KIM Gheewhan President of the Korea Foundation Good af...
한국국제교류재단 > 이사장소개 > 이사장 연설문
The Korea Foundation Opening Ceremony of the 6th Public Diplomacy Week 2024.08.12
Opening Remarks by Amb. KIM Gheewhan President, The Korea Foundation Opening Ceremony of the 6th Public Diplomacy Week Understand Avenue (Seongsu-dong...
KF > President > Speeches
[Notice] Completion of KF President YIM`s Term of Office 2010.03.02
... you have continuously shown toward the Korea Foundation. I would like to ...I will be leaving my position as President of the Korea Foundation, as of ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 850건)
Expanding the Reach of the Korea Foundation's Global Presence 2021.04.19

Expanding <font color='red'>the</font> Reach <font color='red'>of</font> <font color='red'>the</font> <font color='red'>Korea</font> <font color='red'>Foundation</font>'s Global Presence

...anding on a windswept rocky outcrop of Cape Point, close to where the Indi...omacy. While preparing to accompany the Foundation president on a business...
Interview with the Korea-Africa Foundation President Choi Yeon-ho ‘We'll become the platform of mutual cooperation bridging Korea and Africa.' 2019.02.23

Interview with <font color='red'>the</font> <font color='red'>Korea</font>-Africa <font color='red'>Foundation</font> <font color='red'>President</font> Choi Yeon-ho ‘We'll become <font color='red'>the</font> platform <font color='red'>of</font> mutual cooperation bridging <font color='red'>Korea</font> and Africa.'

People > Interview with the Korea-Africa Foundation President Choi Yeon-ho ‘We'll become the platform of mutual cooperation bridging Korea and Africa....
KF NEWSLETTER > 2019년 한국국제교류재단 3월 뉴스레터 > KF Interviews & Essays
"Cultural Diversity Needed to Mitigate Globalization's Consequences" 2021.04.19

"Cultural Diversity Needed to Mitigate Globalization's Consequences"

The Korea Foundation presented the 6th session of its Korea Foundation Foru...ectors, including Yim Sung-joon, President of the Korea Foundation; Bae Ja...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 8월 > Letter from Fellow
International Exchange from a Global, Not Just Korean, Perspective 2021.04.19

International Exchange from a Global, Not Just Korean, Perspective

...ipants agreed that it was time for Korea to shift from international excha...an opening address by Lee In-ho, president of the Korea Foundation, and wa...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2000년 9월 > KF Fellows
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