검색어 "Press "에 대한 검색결과 "총 885건"

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2015년도 출판지원 대상사업 선정 공고 2014.12.10
... Haiyang 중국어 2 Columbia University Press The Capitalist Unconscious: From ...Park Hyun Ok 영어 3 Kyoto University Press Dokkaebi' and Korean Visual Cultu...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
2011년도 출판지원사업 선정결과 2011.06.30
... 저자 출판어 1 Social Sciences Academic Press, CASS 한중 동시통역 이론과 실무 Li Min 중국어 2...elezeau 프랑스어 3 Heilongjiang Ethnic Press 온돌의 문화와 과학 김준봉 중국어 4 St. Petersbu...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
Result of the 2011 Publication Support Program Applications 2011.06.30
...anguage 1 Social Sciences Academic Press, CASS The Theory and Practice of ...ezeau French 3 Heilongjiang Ethnic Press Culture and Science of Ondol Kim ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
2015 Recipients of Publication Support Program Grant 2014.12.10
...yang Chinese 2 Columbia University Press The Capitalist Unconscious: From ...Hyun Ok English 3 Kyoto University Press Dokkaebi' and Korean Visual Cultu...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
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  • (총 200건)
Cultural Exchange Projects Attract Interest of the Press 2021.04.19

Cultural Exchange Projects Attract Interest of the <font color='red'>Press</font>

During the past year, the Korea Foundation distributed press releases and organized press conferences for a variety of newspapers and broadcasting sta...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2000년 11월 > KF Forum I
My Experience as a Member of the KF ASEAN Culture House Student Press Corps 2022.11.30

My Experience as a Member of the KF ASEAN Culture House Student <font color='red'>Press</font> Corps

...H NEWS 2 My Experience as a Member of the KF ASEAN Culture HouseStudent Press Corps Written by_Jeon Na-yeong, KF ASEAN Culture House Student Press Corps My name is Jeon Na-yeong, and I am a member of theKF ASEAN Cultu...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2022년 12월 VOL64 > ACH News
2016 KF Publication Support Program 2016.12.28

2016 KF Publication Support Program

...te L. Arrington Cornell University Press 2 English Brief Encounters: Early...uananh Vietnam National University Press 4 Japanese Historical Ethnography...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2017년 한국국제교류재단 1월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
The Story of Singapore's World-Class Airport 2022.11.02

The Story of Singapore's World-Class Airport

...ort Written by. Yun Ye-jin(Student Press Corps, the KF ASEAN Culture House...content is produced by the Student Press Corps of the KF ASEAN Culture Hou...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2022년 11월 VOL63 > ACH News
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