검색어 "Robert De Niro"에 대한 검색결과 "총 2건"

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[KF Culture Walk] Movie Recommendation by Program Officer Kim Jiwon, Future Innovation Department ‘Silver Linings Playbook' (2012) 2021.05.30

[KF Culture Walk] Movie Recommendation by Program Officer         Kim Jiwon, Future Innovation Department ‘Silver Linings Playbook' (2012)

...12) Director: David O.Russell Stars: Jennifer Lawrence, BradleyCooper, Robert De Niro Silver Linings Playbook is a comedy by genre, but it evolvesinto a ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.05 > People
[KF Walk] Movie Recommendation by Ahn Hye-rin The Intern 2023.10.25

[KF Walk] Movie Recommendation by Ahn Hye-rin  The Intern

...e Intern Movie Recommendation by Ahn Hye-rin The Intern Ben, played by Robert De Niro, is a 70-year-old retiree. He is employed as a senior intern of a f...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.11 > People
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