검색어 "Royal Thai Embassy"에 대한 검색결과 "총 16건"

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Thai Ambassador Visits KF ASEAN Culture House 2022.11.02

<font color='red'>Thai</font> Ambassador Visits KF ASEAN Culture House

ACH REVIEW Thai Ambassador Visits KF ASEAN Culture House Thai Ambassador to...he ASEAN Culture House visited the Royal Thai Embassy to hold a meeting wi...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2022년 11월 VOL63 > ACH News
‘Easy Access Thailand' Program in Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of Korea-Thailand Diplomatic Relations 2018.12.01

‘Easy Access Thailand' Program in Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of Korea-Thailand Diplomatic Relations

...e Easy Access Thailand program and Thai Festival this past November, colla...tiple organizations, including the Royal Thai Embassy in Seoul, the Seoul ...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2018년 12월 VOL16 > Review
2018 ACH Open Stage: Poom Prommachart Piano Recital Celebrating 60 years of Korea-Thailand Friendship 2018.05.01

2018 ACH Open Stage: Poom Prommachart Piano Recital Celebrating 60 years of Korea-Thailand Friendship

... Stage,” organized by the ASEAN Culture House in collaboration with the Royal Thai Embassy in Korea and the Korea Foundation (KF), was held at the ACH Hal...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2018년 5월 VOL9 > Activities
‘Out of Place' Exhibition Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Korea-Thailand Diplomatic Relations 2018.12.01

‘Out of Place' Exhibition Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Korea-Thailand Diplomatic Relations

  In cooperation with the Royal Thai Embassy in Seoul, the ASEAN Culture House is hosting the special modern art exhibition Out of Place, with the aim...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2018년 12월 VOL16 > Activities
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