검색어 "Silla "에 대한 검색결과 "총 428건"

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한국학 교수 신규 임용 - 호주 시드니대 2002.05.06
... 발표했습니다. 2002년 7월부터 시드니대에서 한국사를 가르치게 될 Pankaj Mohan 박사는 호주국립대에서 "Buddhism and State in Early Silla"라는 논문으로 박사학위를 받았으며, 재단은 이 교수직 설치 경비를 일부를 지원할 예정입니다.
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[Invitation] Prof. Dr. Wulf-Dietrich Kopke, Director of the Hamburg Museum of Ethnology, Germany 2010.10.01
...oidery, The National Folk Museum of Korea, Gyeongju National Museum and Silla Millennium Park. He will also visit Gyeongbokgung Palace, Gwangju Jose...
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Buddhist Sculptures of Korea" published 2007.05.03
...dhist sculpture during the Three Kingdoms Period as well as the Unified Silla, Goryeo, and Joseon periods, also features about 180 photographs to he...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
The 6th Korean Studies Workshop for Chinese Secondary School Educators 2005.10.17
...ric Korean cultural sites in Seoul and Gyeongju, the ancient capital of Silla. This annual workshop is expected to have far-reaching effects, since ...
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  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 143건)
Gold Crowns of Silla: Treasures from a Brilliant Age 2021.04.19

Gold Crowns of <font color='red'>Silla</font>: Treasures from a Brilliant Age

...dhisattva and gold crowns from the Silla Kingdom (57 B.C.–A.D.935). Detail...hardly found around the world, the Silla gold crowns feature delicate prod...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2011년 3월 > knowledge
Silla Royal Headpieces Meet the World 2021.04.19

<font color='red'>Silla</font> Royal Headpieces Meet the World

...dhisattva and gold crowns from the Silla Kingdom (57 B.C.–A.D.935). Detail...hardly found around the world, the Silla gold crowns feature delicate prod...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2011년 3월 > Book Review
KF Fellow Essays on the 2011 Spring Field Trip 2014.02.14

KF Fellow Essays on the 2011 Spring Field Trip

...s really in the ancient capital of Silla. We first toured Cheomseongdae Ob...o prehistoric times as well as the Silla, Gaya, and Unified Silla periods....
KF NEWSLETTER > 2011년 한국국제교류재단 6월 뉴스레터 > people
KT New Publications 2021.04.19

KT New Publications

... lifestyle and cultural traditions of each destination. ‘Gold Crowns of Silla: Treasures from a Brilliant Age' “Gold Crowns of Silla: Treasures from a Brilliant Age” is the third and the latest in a seri...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2011년 2월 > knowledge

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