검색어 "Solo Leveling"에 대한 검색결과 "총 16건"

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[Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] Korean Webtoons Offer Standout Entertainment 2020.08.12

[Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] Korean Webtoons Offer Standout Entertainment

...t. The growth of Kakao Japan's webtoon platform Piccoma owes largely to Solo Leveling, which landed at No. 1 on Piccoma's “Best of 2019” list and also rank...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020. 09 > KF Features
[Digital Contents Korean Webtoons: Now a Global Medium 2022.07.23

[Digital Contents Korean Webtoons: Now a Global Medium

... a month after its release. Yet, among the many successes in the genre, Solo Leveling, also known as Only I Level Up, has monumental significance. A web no...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.08 > Features
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