검색어 "Soyoung Kim"에 대한 검색결과 "총 10건"

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아세안 온 더 무브 2023.01.05

아세안 온 더 무브

...in Lee, Bounpaul Phothyzan, Local 4 Local, Dongjoo Seo, Ken Pyun, Sohyun Kim, Soyoung Ryu, Jon Enoch, Lampu Kansanoh ◾ Collaborative Artist: Jiyeon Lee, Ch...
아세안문화원 > 전시/공연/행사 > 아카이브_전시
[KF Mailbox] From Sophia University, Bulgaria 2023.05.24

[KF Mailbox] From Sophia University, Bulgaria

...n >  From Sophia University, Bulgaria From Sophia University, Bulgaria Soyoung Kim, Visiting Professor Korean Studies Department, Sofia University “St. Kl...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.06 > People
'2012 Korea Festival in Brazil' 2014.02.27

'2012 Korea Festival in Brazil'

...estra, led by Artistic Director Min Kim, opened its Brazilian performance ...Kim's overall leadership, soloist Soyoung Yoon's passionate presentations,...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 12월 뉴스레터 > culture
Symposium for Korean Art Curators Held in New York 2016.12.19

Symposium for Korean Art Curators Held in New York

...son from the Freer and Sackler Galleries, Smithsonian Institution, Lee Soyoung from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Kim Hyun-jung from the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, Joan Cummins from...
KF > Arts & Media
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