검색어 "Spring Girl"에 대한 검색결과 "총 61건"

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[Bridging the World] International Exchange Project Brings Korean Songs to New Jersey 2022.12.23

[Bridging the World] International Exchange Project Brings Korean Songs to New Jersey

...ty (WPU) in New Jersey presented a concert of Korean songs, including “Spring Girl” and “Longing for Geumgangsan,” at the “Korean-Language Song Evening,” ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.01 > Features
Girls' High school reunions: Friendships lasting through the Golden Year 2017.07.14

Girls' High school reunions: Friendships lasting through the Golden Year

... Girls' High School in Tongyeong, South Gyeongsang Province, where the spring flowers blossom earlier than anywhere in Korea. The school's alumnae f...
KF > Arts & Media
A Journey to Reconciliation through Pop Music 2018.10.08

A Journey to Reconciliation through Pop Music

...a's leader Hyon Song-wol “the nuke girl” in parody of the famed North Kore...f Reconciliation and Cooperation: Spring is Around the Corner,” held April...
KF > Arts & Media
You Are What You Eat 2019.07.05

You Are What You Eat

...ers giving off the sweet scent of spring. Under the jurisdiction of Jogye ...epes (memil jeonbyeong). The young girl was praised whenever she cooked he...
KF > Arts & Media
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