검색어 "Squid Game"에 대한 검색결과 "총 82건"

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[KF Walk] The Hunger Games(2012) 2021.10.24

[KF Walk] The Hunger Games(2012)

...o survive. In the wake of the huge success of the Korean Netflix series Squid Game, interest in survival films is soaring, with the Hunger Games series am...
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[Interview] Professor Shim Young-seop: A Psychologist in Love with Film 2021.11.23

[Interview] Professor Shim Young-seop: A Psychologist in Love with Film

...of the success of the movies Parasite and Minari and the Netflix series Squid Game, it's clear that Korean content has truly become a global sensation. Wh...
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Becoming an actor who is remembered Christian Lagahit 2022.01.27

Becoming an actor who is remembered Christian Lagahit

... Christian Lagahit The sensation created by the Netflix original series Squid Game is showing no signs of slowing down. Christian Lagahit, who first featu...
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[Korean Content] Korean Reality Series Physical: 100 Captures Global Audience 2023.03.24

[Korean Content] Korean Reality Series Physical: 100 Captures Global Audience

...m Parasite, followed by the series Squid Game, and has now also spread to ...nship and cheers of encouragement. Squid Game features a survival game tha...
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