검색어 "The Best Dutch Book Designs"에 대한 검색결과 "총 18건"

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한-네덜란드 수교 60주년 기념전 《변덕스러운 부피와 두께》 개최 2021.06.22
...ration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Korea, host the Versat/te Volumes - The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korean Artists' Books exhibition from June...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
한-네덜란드 수교 60주년 기념전 <변덕스러운 부피와 두께> 2021.06.23
... 한국의 아티스트북을 만나다 Versatile Volumes – The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korea...gn. The exhibition features the 33 Best Dutch Book Designs of 2019 exhibit...
"Versatile Volumes – The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korean Artists' Books" Exhibition 2021.06.22
KF > Learn More > Announcements
KF, '책'의 본질에 주목한 전시 개최 《변덕스러운 부피와 두께-네덜란드 최고의 책 디자인 한국의 아티스트북을 만나다》展 2021.06.22
...공동으로 개최하는《변덕스러운 부피와 두께-네덜란드 최고의 책 디자인 한국의 아티스트북을 만나다 Versatile Volumes – The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korean Artists' Books》展이 오는 6.23.(수)부터 8.13.(금)...
한국국제교류재단 > KF소식 > 보도자료
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‘Versatile Volumes: Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korean Artists' Books' Exhibition 2021.06.24

‘Versatile Volumes: <font color='red'>Best</font> <font color='red'>Dutch</font> <font color='red'>Book</font> <font color='red'>Designs</font> Meet Korean Artists' Books' Exhibition

...F Activities > ‘Versatile Volumes: Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korean Art...t Korean Artists' Books' Exhibition The Korea Foundation, in collaboration...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.07 > KF Activities
Versatile Volumes — The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korean Artists' Books 2021.07.22

Versatile Volumes — <font color='red'>The</font> <font color='red'>Best</font> <font color='red'>Dutch</font> <font color='red'>Book</font> <font color='red'>Designs</font> Meet Korean Artists' Books

KF Activities > Versatile Volumes — The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korea... the exhibition Versatile Volumes – The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korea...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.08 > KF Activities
Versatile Volumes - The Best Dutch Book Designs meet Korean artists' books 2021.05.30

Versatile Volumes - <font color='red'>The</font> <font color='red'>Best</font> <font color='red'>Dutch</font> <font color='red'>Book</font> <font color='red'>Designs</font> meet Korean artists' books

KF Activities > Versatile Volumes - The Best Dutch Book Designs meet Korea... jointly hold the Best Dutch Book Designs exhibition at the KF Gallery and...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.06 > KF Activities
“Versatile Volumes – The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korean Artists' Books” Exhibition in Commemoration of 60th Anniversary of ROK-The Netherlands Diplomatic Relations 2021.07.05

“Versatile Volumes – <font color='red'>The</font> <font color='red'>Best</font> <font color='red'>Dutch</font> <font color='red'>Book</font> <font color='red'>Designs</font> Meet Korean Artists' Books” Exhibition in Commemoration of 60th Anniversary of ROK-<font color='red'>The</font> Netherlands Diplomatic Relations

...ation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Korea, hosts the Versatile Volumes – The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korean Artists' Books exhibition. The exhi...
KF > Arts & Media
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