검색어 "Tregar A. Ishoda"에 대한 검색결과 "총 3건"

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제6회 KF 공공외교주간 사전등록 이벤트 2023.10.04
연결된 세계 함께하는 미래 A Connected World A Joint Future 제6회 공공외교주간, 2023.10.13-10.1...서 Julian Quintart(줄리안 퀸타르트)와 H.E. Tregar Albons Ishoda(트레거 일본 이쇼다) 주한마셜대사가...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
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[Interview] Marshall Islands Ambassador-Climate Diplomacy Expert Tregar A. Ishoda 2023.09.20

[Interview] Marshall Islands Ambassador-Climate Diplomacy Expert <font color='red'>Tregar</font> <font color='red'>A.</font> <font color='red'>Ishoda</font>

...bassador-Climate Diplomacy Expert Tregar A. Ishoda Marshall Islands Ambass... with an existential threat. This is a message that our political and trad...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.10 > People
6th Public Diplomacy Week 2023.10.23

6th Public Diplomacy Week

...nized the 6th Public Diplomacy Week, a public diplomacy festival to invite...m, and Marshal Islands Ambassador Tregar Albons Ishoda talked about enviro...
KF > Public Participation
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