검색어 "University of Sheffield"에 대한 검색결과 "총 25건"

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2017 방한연구펠로십 수혜자 선정 결과 발표 2016.12.07
... 국가 소속 부서 직위 1 Miliann Kang USA University of Massachusetts, Amherst Women...ndidate 19 Seung Young Kim Republic of Korea University of Sheffield Schoo...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
Recipients for the 2017 Fellowship for Field Research 2016.12.07
... 국가 소속 부서 직위 1 Miliann Kang USA University of Massachusetts, Amherst Women...ndidate 19 Seung Young Kim Republic of Korea University of Sheffield Schoo...
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[도서관] 프랑스 콜레주드프랑스 한국학연구소 도서관 김경현 6개월차 2022.12.04
...습니다. 2. 영국 한국학 사서 모임 참여 영국의 한국학 사서 모임에 온라인으로 참석했습니다. 모임에는 Cambridge, University of Sheffield, SOAS 등 다양한 곳의 한국학 도서관에서 참여했습니다. 지난 10월 국립중앙도서관에서 주최한 해외 한국학 사...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
[Fellowship] 2008-2009 KF Awardees for the Graduate Studies Fellowship in Europe(Group 2) 2008.07.02
...im / Ph.D Candidate / Stockholm University, Sweden5) Mr. Daniele Smerilli ... Germany11) Mr. Kevin Cawley / Ph.D Candidate / Univ. of Sheffield, England
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Korean Studies at the University of Sheffield 2021.04.19

Korean Studies at the <font color='red'>University</font> <font color='red'>of</font> <font color='red'>Sheffield</font>

...ubjects have been taught at the University of Sheffield in the United King...in the School of East Asian Studies of the University of Sheffield. Traine...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2002년 3월 > KF Activities
KF Global e-School Opens Lectures in Europe, Central Asia 2014.02.27

KF Global e-School Opens Lectures in Europe, Central Asia

...onal Standards Central European University was founded in Budapest in 1991... University of La Rochelle, the University of Sheffield, the University of...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 6월 뉴스레터 > knowledge
Korea Foundation Activities (May - August 2004) 2021.04.19

Korea Foundation Activities (May - August 2004)

...rs at US universities) Columbia University : Korean Studies programs offer...d international conference U.K. University of Sheffield : Workshop on Kore...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2004년 8월 > On the Spot II
Another Cornerstone for Korean Studies in the United Kingdom 2021.04.19

Another Cornerstone for Korean Studies in the United Kingdom

...ies lectureship at Robinson College of the University of Cambridge. The ag...he University of London and the University of Sheffield, while the scale o...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 7월 > Washington D.C. Office
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