검색어 "Via Trio"에 대한 검색결과 "총 6건"

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Fusion-Style Traditional Korean Music Concert Tours Türkiye and Romania 2023.11.03

Fusion-Style Traditional Korean Music Concert Tours Türkiye and Romania

...ped in Istanbul, Türkiye and Bucharest and Timisoara, Romania. Featuring Via Trio, a world music ensemble, the concert tour was organized to commemorate ...
KF > Arts & Media
Korean Fusion Gugak Quartet to Tour Türkiye and Romania 2023.08.24

Korean Fusion Gugak Quartet to Tour Türkiye and Romania

...ania and Korea's strategic partnership, respectively. The Korean quartet Via Trio will play fusion gugak under the theme of “The Past & Present of K-Pop”...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.09 > What's On
From Rock Legend Shin Joong-hyun to Indie Bands 2020.06.30

From Rock Legend Shin Joong-hyun to Indie Bands

...e moves. Thanks to this celebrated trio, dance music swept through the loc...aneously in Korea, R&B was imported via Korean Americans. Except for the i...
KF > Arts & Media
Kumho Asiana Soloists Perform in Geneva and Central Asia 2021.04.19

Kumho Asiana Soloists Perform in Geneva and Central Asia

...e ensemble works, including Brahms Trio No. 2, in order to optimize the in...ana, the new capital of Kazakhstan, via Istanbul. Although worn out from a...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 11월 > Moscow Office
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