검색어 "Westin"에 대한 검색결과 "총 56건"

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[초청] 코스타리카 HRS 그룹 사장 방한 초청 2010.05.04
...정으로 방한합니다. 에체베리아 사장은 스페인 CETT, 코넬대학교 등에서 호텔 경영 및 관광학을 수학하였고 이후 Hilton, Westin 등에서의 오랜 실무 경험을 바탕으로 1992년 호텔 및 요식업 관련 경영시스템 컨설팅 회사인 HRS를 설립하여 코스타리카 국내...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
KF Korean Studies Assembly 2015 2015.07.01
...riday, July 24, 2015 ❍ Venue: The Westin Chosun Hotel -- Seoul, Korea ❍ Ho...tudies Department / kfa2015@kf.or.kr ❍ Map (The Westin Chosun Hotel, Seoul)
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Invitation] Mr. Alfredo Enrique Echeverria, CEO of the HRS Group in Costa Rica 2010.05.04
...ited States, and worked for prominent hotel companies, such as Hilton, Westin, etc. With such expertise and experience, he founded the HRS Group, a ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
The 28th Korea Foundation Forum 2010.08.26
...010 Venue: Lilac Room, 2nd floor, Westin Chosun Hotel The Korea Foundation...h Korea Foundation Forum at Seoul Westin Chosun Hotel on Friday of Septemb...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
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2019 Korea-Russia Forum Held in Seoul 2020.01.09

2019 Korea-Russia Forum Held in Seoul

On December 5, 2019, the 2019 Korea-Russia Forum was held at the Westin Chosun Seoul hotel in Korea, organized jointly by the Korea Foundation, the Ru...
KF > Global Networking
August 2010 2021.04.19

August 2010

...f Chicago, spoke at the 27th Korea Foundation Forum, to be held at the Westin Chosun, in Seoul. Organizer•Korea Foundation Contact•Policy and Resear...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 8월 > Washington D.C. Office
May 2010 2021.04.19

May 2010

...m Webb(D.VA) spoke on R.O.K.-U.S. alliance at the 24th KF Forum at the Westin Chosun Seoul on June 1st. Invitation Program May 2010 Alfredo Enrique,...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 6월 > Activities Calendar
Recent Activities 2021.04.19

Recent Activities

...hat included foreign diplomatic staff and journalists in Korea. Venue: Westin Chosun Hotel, Seoul Contact: Policy and Research Department 2nd Confer...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 8월 > KF Activities
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