검색어 "Weverse"에 대한 검색결과 "총 3건"

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[Korean Content] Why Develop Super IP? – Task for Virtuous Cycle 2023.04.21

[Korean Content] Why Develop Super IP? – Task for Virtuous Cycle

...ther with Kakao in an attempt to prepare a sort of “fans' playground.” Weverse is another super IP that contains multiple powerful IPs, embracing BT...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.05 > Features
K-Pop Rejects the Idea of “One Sows, Another Reaps” 2022.01.19

K-Pop Rejects the Idea of “One Sows, Another Reaps”

...s to them. Recently, however, Korean “global fandom platforms” such as Weverse, Universe, and DearU bubble have come into business, and their users ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.02 > KF Features
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