검색어 "Why Does Rain Fall When the Toad Grinds Its Teeth?"에 대한 검색결과 "총 2건"

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‘Croak Croak, Click Click': Encore of ASEAN Performance for Children 2022.11.23

‘Croak Croak, Click Click': Encore of ASEAN Performance for Children

...ances have followed. The work is based on the Vietnamese folktale, “Why Does Rain Fall When the Toad Grinds Its Teeth?” which sounds similar to the Korean pro...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.12 > What's On
‘Croak Croak, Click Click'—2022 ASEAN Performance Series for Children 2022.05.26

‘Croak Croak, Click Click'—2022 ASEAN Performance Series for Children

...ldren at the ASEAN Culture House. Based on the Vietnamese folktale “Why Does Rain Fall when the Toad Grinds its Teeth?the play focuses on the importance of ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.06 > KF Activities
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