검색어 "Yangyang"에 대한 검색결과 "총 37건"

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Stories of Gangwon's Mountains, Rivers and Sea 2018.01.12

Stories of Gangwon's Mountains, Rivers and Sea

.... Up the coast from Gangneung is Yangyang County. Though not exactly a fis... Sea, and back to Namdaecheon in Yangyang where they were born and spent t...
KF > Arts & Media
A Livelihood Built in a Clean Environment 2018.01.12

A Livelihood Built in a Clean Environment

...t The pine mushrooms produced in Yangyang County are considered the best i...ickly covered with pine needles. Yangyang has a lot of such terrain provid...
KF > Arts & Media
The Nostalgia of Displaced Seaside Villagers 2018.01.12

The Nostalgia of Displaced Seaside Villagers

... childhood home. Sokcho, part of Yangyang County in Gangwon Province, was ... was pushed further northward to Yangyang County. The refugees from North ...
KF > Arts & Media
Role of Forests in Livellihood of Mountain Villagers 2014.02.27

Role of Forests in Livellihood of Mountain Villagers

...arried out in Seorim Village, in Yangyang County, Gangwon Province, I plan...famous for their pine mushrooms: Yangyang County in Gangwon Province and B...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 5월 뉴스레터 > people
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