검색어 "a fifteen"에 대한 검색결과 "총 26건"

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Open Invitation to a Visiting International Professor of the Institute for Unification Education 2014.11.24
...IP) program of which this year marks a 3rd anniversary, is intended not on...evant field. The candidate must have a minimum of fifteen years of experie...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
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Forum to Initiate Exchanges between Next-generation Leaders in Northeast Asia 2021.04.19

Forum to Initiate Exchanges between Next-generation Leaders in Northeast Asia

...nternational Relations, co-organized a series of seminars in Korea, Japan ... was "Trilateral Cooperation Towards a Northeast Asian Community." Fifteen...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2002년 11월 > KF Activities
Illuminating Korean Cinema 2020.10.15

Illuminating Korean Cinema

...ith Korea Illuminating Korean Cinema A mistaken encounter with a Korean mo...rk Chan-wook, Christopher Nolan … Fifteen years ago there were a lot of fl...
KF > Arts & Media
Pondering Eternity from Graveside Walls 2016.11.04

Pondering Eternity from Graveside Walls

...ial custom. Art critic Kim Yu-jeong, a native of Jeju Island, studies trad...o and see the places of death. At fifteen, he helped carry the bier when a...
KF > Arts & Media
“I've been making friends and introducing Korea to ‘Countries Near and Far,' which means that the Korea Foundation and I have basically been involved in the same work.” 2013.12.18

“I've been making friends and introducing Korea to ‘Countries Near and Far,' which means that the Korea Foundation and I have basically been involved in the same work.”

...of this interview, Rhie Won-bok, 67, a chair-professor at Duksung Women's ...ving at his university dormitory. Fifteen books since, of particular inter...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2013년 한국국제교류재단 12월 뉴스레터 > KF Interview & Essays
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