검색어 "circular economy"에 대한 검색결과 "총 6건"

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[싱크탱크] 태국 스톡홀름환경연구소 아시아지부 이하은 4개월차 2023.09.07
...vironmental Institute, TEI)와 협력 파트너인 베트남 순환경제개발연구소 (The Institute for Circular Economy Development, ICED), 캄보디아 왕립 프놈펜 대학교 등이 함께 주최하고, 스톡홀름환경연구소가 지원하는 지역 정책...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
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[Letter from a KF Visiting Fellow] Circular Economy as Prominent Catalyst towards the Sustainable Development of Korea 2020.10.24

[Letter from a KF Visiting Fellow] <font color='red'>Circular</font> <font color='red'>Economy</font> as Prominent Catalyst towards the Sustainable Development of Korea

People > [Letter from a KF Visiting Fellow] Circular Economy as Prominent Catalyst towards the Sustainable Development of Korea [Letter from a KF Visi...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.11 > People
2021 Virtual Dialogue Series 2021.06.04

2021 Virtual Dialogue Series

... the KF will organize five online seminars on various topics, such as circular economy, mobility, and new and renewable energy, to find ways to promote inte...
KF > Global Networking
Indonesia's Next-Generation Journalists Visited Korea 2023.06.27

Indonesia's Next-Generation Journalists Visited Korea

...ated issues ranging from diplomacy to security, economic cooperation, circular economy, and popular culture. As a follow-up, 13 of the workshop participants...
KF > Global Networking
KF Holds Virtual Dialogue on Greener Future with Five Prominent Institutions Overseas 2021.05.30

KF Holds Virtual Dialogue on Greener Future with Five Prominent Institutions Overseas

...” the online dialogue will deal with environmental topics such as the circular economy, green mobility, renewable energy, and climate change. Participating ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.06 > KF Activities
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