검색어 "climate change talk"에 대한 검색결과 "총 23건"

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[20231013/개회사/영문] 제6회 공공외교주간 2024.08.01
...ons. Over the three days of this event, we are hosting public talks on climate change, gender issues, and on many other topics. I hope this series of talks ...
한국국제교류재단 > 이사장소개 > 이사장 연설문
The Korea Foundation Opening Ceremony of the 6th Public Diplomacy Week 2024.08.12
...ons. Over the three days of this event, we are hosting public talks on climate change, gender issues, and on many other topics. I hope this series of talks ...
KF > President > Speeches
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 15건)
[Interview] Marshall Islands Ambassador-Climate Diplomacy Expert Tregar A. Ishoda 2023.09.20

[Interview] Marshall Islands Ambassador-<font color='red'>Climate</font> Diplomacy Expert Tregar A. Ishoda

...uture of the Pacific peoples from climate change among other initiatives. ...u to be the honored speaker at a “climate change talk” during its Public D...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.10 > People
6th Public Diplomacy Week 2023.10.23

6th Public Diplomacy Week

... Tregar Albons Ishoda talked about environment and ways to tackle with climate change issues. “Art Talks” featured Kang Soo-jung, Head of the Education Depa...
KF > Public Participation
5th Public Diplomacy Week: Participation, the Future and Public Diplomacy 2023.01.16

5th Public Diplomacy Week: Participation, the Future and Public Diplomacy

...owcase programs included ▲ ROK-UK Climate Change Creative Project “Daily R...ths,” an exhibition with an artist talk organized jointly by the Korea Fou...
KF > Global Networking
[KF Walk] The Uninhabitable Earth: Life after Warming 2021.09.16

[KF Walk] The Uninhabitable Earth: Life after Warming

...llace-Wells, 2019 Korean translation by Kim Jae-gyeong, Chusubat, 2020 Climate Change Does Not Have God's Face If the axis of prosperity was once fossil fue...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.10 > People
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