검색어 "culinary cultures"에 대한 검색결과 "총 35건"

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Spring festival of Central Asian countries begins on March 20 2019.03.18
...a on April 27 to give visitors first-hand experience of the games and culinary cultures of the Central Asia countries. Nowruz begins with the advent of sprin...
한-중앙아협력포럼사무국 > 오늘의 뉴스 > 중앙아시아 5개국
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2021 ASEAN Cooking Class for Spring and Summer 2021.07.22

2021 ASEAN Cooking Class for Spring and Summer

... Class aims to deepen Koreans' understanding of the varied dishes and culinary cultures of ASEAN countries and bring ASEAN dishes to the dining tables of Kor...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.08 > KF Activities
ASEAN-ROK Gourmet Banquet: Food Culture Film Screenings 2021.01.16

ASEAN-ROK Gourmet Banquet: Food Culture Film Screenings

...Every weekend from January 16 to February 21, movies that present the culinary cultures of Korean and other Asian peoples will be screened at the ASEAN Cultu...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.02 > KF Activities
[Interview] Chef Kim Rockhun's Gimbap: Protecting Flavor, Farmers, and the Environment 2021.08.23

[Interview] Chef Kim Rockhun's Gimbap: Protecting Flavor, Farmers, and the Environment

...rfect frame and platform through which we can embrace ingredients and culinary cultures from all countries and regions. I wanted to use gimbap to embody vari...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.09 > People
Event for August 2020 Newsletter 2020.07.25

Event for August 2020 Newsletter

...ture House's “Easy Access ASEAN” series offer classes introducing the culinary cultures of the 10 ASEAN countries. In August, the classes will focus on dishe...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.08 > what's on
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