검색어 "dessert cooking class"에 대한 검색결과 "총 24건"

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2023 ASEAN Market 2023.05.05

2023 ASEAN Market

... bar run by a famous Indonesian barista, a traditional Indonesian dance class, an Indonesian film screening, and an Indonesian dessert cooking class. Participants of the dance class will have the opportun...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2023년 5월 VOL69 > ACH News
2023 ASEAN Market on June 3-4 2023.05.24

2023 ASEAN Market on June 3-4

...d by a famous Indonesian barista. It will also hold a traditional dance class, a dessert cooking class, and an Indonesian film screening. The dance class is e...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.06 > What's On
World Activity Class Brings Traditional Cultures of the Philippines and Vietnam to Children 2019.05.25

World Activity <font color='red'>Class</font> Brings Traditional Cultures of the Philippines and Vietnam to Children

...g the bamboo poles brought for the class by Mendoza.    During the cooking...dren made mango float, a Filipino dessert, and the Vietnamese dishes bun c...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2019년 한국국제교류재단 6월 뉴스레터 > FKF News
“Easy Access Cambodia” Successfully Held 2018.06.26

“Easy Access Cambodia” Successfully Held

...n to the Khmer language offered by Cambodian exchanges students; and a cooking class to prepare a popular Cambodian dish (Lok Lak) and dessert (Ja Jouy), led by a chef of a Cambodian restaurant and Cambodian stud...
KF > Arts & Media
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