검색어 "distribution of profits"에 대한 검색결과 "총 14건"

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K-Pop Rejects the Idea of “One Sows, Another Reaps” 2022.01.19

K-Pop Rejects the Idea <font color='red'>of</font> “One Sows, Another Reaps”

K-Pop Rejects the Idea of “One Sows, Another Reaps” Kim Heon-sik, Popular C...ulture Shocking news about the distribution of profits in the K-pop indust...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.02 > KF Features
Delivery Economy, Past and Present 2020.10.15

Delivery Economy, Past and Present

...ducts themselves and resell them to retailers at the same price. Instead of distribution margins, they earned small profits by selling empty containers back to the wholesalers. In those days, h...
KF > Arts & Media
A Hundred Years Melded into Anseong's Famed Cast Iron Pots 2018.04.19

A Hundred Years Melded into Anseong's Famed Cast Iron Pots

...ce. As a result, the company's distribution channels were expanded from ne...the company has not merely sought profits but placed priority on its pride...
KF > Arts & Media
Street Theatre Troupe Revisits Chekhov for 21st-century Audiences 2016.07.21

Street Theatre Troupe Revisits Chekhov for 21st-century Audiences

...over 50 years, living up to a credo of equitable distribution, collaborati...s, human nature is sacrificed. As profits are gained, freedom is lost. Nev...
KF > Arts & Media
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