검색어 "film critics"에 대한 검색결과 "총 47건"

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City of Film with Vibrant Infrastructure 2020.02.03

City of <font color='red'>Film</font> with Vibrant Infrastructure

... Passion SPECIAL FEATURE 5 City of Film with Vibrant Infrastructure Busan ...san Film Commission, and the Busan Film Critics Awards are all invaluable ...
KF > Arts & Media
Korean Cinema in the 21st Century: Many Faces of Arrival 2017.01.10

Korean Cinema in the 21st Century: Many Faces of Arrival

...t history. Changes in the domestic film industry have been immensein the 2...s movie map, chartedout by Western film professionals and critics. “The Ox...
KF > Arts & Media
After 60 Years, She Can Speak at Last 2018.04.19

After 60 Years, She Can Speak at Last

...bts until director Kim Hyun-seok's film “I Can Speak” was released in 2017...ceiving praise from the press and critics. By the end of last year, Na Moo...
KF > Arts & Media
[Interview] Professor Shim Young-seop: A Psychologist in Love with Film 2021.11.23

[Interview] Professor Shim Young-seop: A Psychologist in Love with <font color='red'>Film</font>

...le > [Interview] Professor Shim Young-seop: A Psychologist in Love with Film [Interview]Professor Shim Young-seop: A Psychologist in Love with Film 1. There are many film critics, but few seem to be as well versed in bo...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.12 > People
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