검색어 "haegeum"에 대한 검색결과 "총 89건"

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A Young Turk's Answer to the Cry of [i]Haegeum[/i] 2019.04.03

A Young Turk's Answer  to the Cry of [i]<font color='red'>Haegeum</font>[/i]

...Young Turk's Answer to the Cry of Haegeum Radical changes are never easy, ...e heard the melancholy sound of a haegeum being played by a busker. “I was...
KF > Arts & Media
Haegeum Plus Performs at Grand Performances, Los Angeles 2021.04.19

<font color='red'>Haegeum</font> Plus Performs at Grand Performances, Los Angeles

Kang Eun-il and Haegeum Plus were invited to perform at the Grand Performan... an invitation to Kang Eun-il and Haegeum Plus after seeing their performa...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 10월 > Moscow Office
High Acclaim for Unique Genre of Crossover Music 2021.04.19

High Acclaim for Unique Genre of Crossover Music

Kang Eun Il and her Haegeum Plus music group, which features a unique brand...wo-week tour, Kang Eun Il and her Haegeum Plus staged performances in New ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 6월 > Fellow Essay II
Splendor of Music Reinforces Special Korea-Turkey Ties 2021.04.19

Splendor of Music Reinforces Special Korea-Turkey Ties

... the Korean War, ‘Kang Eun-il and Haegeum Plus' staged a performance at An...l performance of ‘Kang Eun-il and Haegeum Plus' was jointly organized by t...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2010년 4월 > Overseas Office

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