검색어 "hansik"에 대한 검색결과 "총 26건"

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Choi Jia, Food Curator, O'ngo Food Communications “When we recommend hansik to foreigners, we'd do better not to insist on imparting our own taste but to focus instead on understanding.” 2019.06.21

Choi Jia, Food Curator, O'ngo Food Communications “When we recommend <font color='red'>hansik</font> to foreigners, we'd do better not to insist on imparting our own taste but to focus instead on understanding.”

...Communications “When we recommend hansik to foreigners, we'd do better not...her views on the globalization of hansik. Hansik has become quite popular ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2019년 한국국제교류재단 7월 뉴스레터 > KF Interviews & Essays
Choi Jia, Food Curator, O'ngo Food Communications “When we recommend hansik to foreigners, we'd do better not to insist on imparting our own taste but to focus instead on understanding.” 2019.10.31

Choi Jia, Food Curator, O'ngo Food Communications “When we recommend <font color='red'>hansik</font> to foreigners, we'd do better not to insist on imparting our own taste but to focus instead on understanding.”

...Communications “When we recommend hansik to foreigners, we'd do better not...her views on the globalization of hansik. Hansik has become quite popular ...
KF > Arts & Media
[Infographic] Adventurous Hansik vs. Crowd-Pleasing Hansik 2020.05.22

[Infographic] Adventurous <font color='red'>Hansik</font> vs. Crowd-Pleasing <font color='red'>Hansik</font>

  KF Features > [Infographic] Adventurous Hansik vs. Crowd-Pleasing Hansik [Infographic]Adventurous Hansik vs. Crowd-Pleasing Hansik Hansik (literally...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020. 06. > kf features
Hansik and Fermented Food Culture 2017.01.24

<font color='red'>Hansik</font> and Fermented Food Culture

NEWSLETTERS KF Feature Hansik and Fermented Food Culture Hansik and Fermented Food Culture Since its inception, Korea's hansik globalization campaign ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2017년 한국국제교류재단 2월 뉴스레터 > KF Feature
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