검색어 "online tutoring"에 대한 검색결과 "총 6건"

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[Bridging the World] International Exchange Project Brings Korean Songs to New Jersey 2022.12.23

[Bridging the World] International Exchange Project Brings Korean Songs to New Jersey

...f. Geon-ah Choi and two students from Cheongju University provided 1:1 online tutoring for Korean pronunciation for WPU professors and students who were to ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2023.01 > Features
Volunteers Help Bridge the Language Gap for Defectors 2017.04.25

Volunteers Help Bridge the Language Gap for Defectors

...ther by adeluge in South Korea of online slang words and odd abbreviations...a waiting list come for in-house tutoring sessions at theTNKR office befor...
KF > Arts & Media
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