검색어 "pet dog"에 대한 검색결과 "총 5건"

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[Jeju Playbook] Living with a Puppy 2021.07.22

[Jeju Playbook] Living with a Puppy

...unusually long period of rain. The life of a single office worker with a pet dog is pretty standard, even when the office is on the fantastic island of ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.08 > People
Ondol Becomes National Cultural Heritage 2018.10.08

Ondol Becomes National Cultural Heritage

...m, a crock called gaejari (meaning “dog's spot”) is positioned near the ch...r the floor. Indeed, in the past, a pet dog sometimes went into the pit ne...
KF > Arts & Media
Folk Painting of the 21st Century 2020.12.28

Folk Painting of the 21st Century

SPECIAL FEATURE Minhwa: Paintings for HappinessSPECIAL FEATURE 4Folk Painting of the 21st Century The popular minhwa of today does not faithfully adhe...
KF > Arts & Media
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