검색어 "photography"에 대한 검색결과 "총 266건"

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한-벨기에 수교 120주년 기념전 《말의 머리》 전시 연장 (~2.19.) 2022.02.09
...진상인 소니 월 드 포토그래피 어워즈(SONY World Photography Awards)에서 2017년, '올해 의 사진 작가'로...the Year at the 2017 SONY World Photography Awards, the world's most prest...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
"Horse Head" Exhibition Extended Untill February 19 2022.02.09
...진상인 소니 월 드 포토그래피 어워즈(SONY World Photography Awards)에서 2017년, '올해 의 사진 작가'로...the Year at the 2017 SONY World Photography Awards, the world's most prest...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
2019 ACH Photo & Video Contest 2019.01.25
...een Korea and ASEAN ο Category: Photography / Video ο Eligibility: Anyone ...her with a brief essay ο Format Photography Resolution of 1200x1600 or hig...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
The 3rd ACH Photo & Video Contest 2020.02.28
...een Korea and ASEAN ㅇ Category: Photography ⁄ Video ㅇ Eligibility: Anyone ...oose the appropriate category (“Photography” or “Video”) and follow the fo...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 177건)
Wondrous Import to Art for Everyone 2018.04.19

Wondrous Import to Art for Everyone

SPECIAL FEATURE Photography in Korea: Enjoying the Freedom of Visual Langua...rker Image In the early days of photography in Korea, avoidance of cameras...
KF > Arts & Media
More than Just Witnesses to History 2018.04.19

More than Just Witnesses to History

SPECIAL FEATURE Photography in Korea: Enjoying the Freedom of Visual Langua...esses to History The essence of photography lies in its ability to capture...
KF > Arts & Media
Homo Photocus and Digital Photography 2018.04.19

Homo Photocus and Digital <font color='red'>Photography</font>

SPECIAL FEATURE Photography in Korea: Enjoying the Freedom of Visual Langua...URE 3 Homo Photocus and Digital Photography The ubiquity of digital camera...
KF > Arts & Media
Angel Marcos Discusses his Love for Photography 2014.02.27

Angel Marcos Discusses his Love for <font color='red'>Photography</font>

...t of Chema Conesa, a well-known photography critic and curator. He said he... long journey into the world of photography. Upon acquiring an interest in...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 3월 뉴스레터 > culture

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