검색어 "published abroad"에 대한 검색결과 "총 135건"

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[Invitation] Prof. Abel Maharramov, Rector of the Baku State University, Azerbaijan 2010.12.08
... Chemistry Encyclopedia' in Azerbaijani and author above 800 articles published in Azerbaijan and abroad.  During his stay, Prof. Maharramovwill visit to the Seoul National Un...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
New e-Books Library Service Now Available for Readers 2013.07.02
...ks Library service (http://ebook.kf.or.kr) so that readers at home and abroad can easily access our published materials through not only personal computers but also with mobile d...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
The publication of Korean Culture Series 2005.08.26
...n culture, arts, and history in English. Thus far, the Foundation has published mainly academic-oriented books to enhance Korean studies abroad. However, the Foundation is now focusing on the publication of Korean ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
뷀코3 - 포스터 타운, 단도전 연계프로그램 신청 안내 2019.07.30
...age systems. Their work has been published in different medias and exhibit... and workshops in Switzerland and abroad they are engaged with exploring e...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 99건)
[Interview] President Kwak Hyo-hwan: The Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI Korea) Gets Ready to Leap Forward 2021.10.24

[Interview] President Kwak Hyo-hwan: The Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI Korea) Gets Ready to Leap Forward

...orean literature fans at home and abroad. As the Literature Translation In...railers of Korean literary works published abroad. Last but not least, the...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2021.11 > People
2021 International Conference of Korean Language Teaching and Research Association of China Held in Qingdao, China 2021.12.17

2021 International Conference of Korean Language Teaching and Research Association of China Held in Qingdao, China

...o decades across China. According to the White Paper on Korean Studies Abroad published by the Korea Foundation in 2018, more than 1,300 institutions around...
KF > Korean Studies
White Paper on Korean Studies 2021.04.19

White Paper on Korean Studies

... comprehensive report on the current status of Korean Studies programs abroad, has recently been published by the Foundation. As the project coordinator of this endeavor, the ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 2월 > Cover Story
‘2017 White Paper on Korean Studies Abroad' to Be Published in Fall 2017 2017.07.28

‘2017 White Paper on Korean Studies <font color='red'>Abroad</font>' to Be <font color='red'>Published</font> in Fall 2017

NEWSLETTERS KF Activities ‘2017 White Paper on Korean Studies Abroad' to Be Published in Fall 2017 ‘2017 White Paper on Korean Studies Abroad' to Be P...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2017년 한국국제교류재단 8월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
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