검색어 "queer literature "에 대한 검색결과 "총 3건"

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[KF Mailbox] A New Beginning as a KF-IUC Fellow 2021.12.20

[KF Mailbox] A New Beginning as a KF-IUC Fellow

... am a KF Fellow currently studying queer literature at the Inter-Universit...nd the terms “queer” and “queer literature” are comparatively new. Even as...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.01 > People
[Interview] Ambassador of Korean Literature: Interview with Translator Anton Hur 2022.10.23

[Interview] Ambassador of Korean <font color='red'>Literature</font>: Interview with Translator Anton Hur

 People >  Ambassador of Korean Literature: Interview with Translator Anto...e in the Big City is classified as queer literature. Why did you translate...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.11 > People
[Interview] Ambassador of Korean Literature: Interview with Translator Anton Hur 2017.09.01

[Interview] Ambassador of Korean <font color='red'>Literature</font>: Interview with Translator Anton Hur

 People >  Ambassador of Korean Literature: Interview with Translator Anto...e in the Big City is classified as queer literature. Why did you translate...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2017년 9월 VOL1 > Activities
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