검색어 "recipes"에 대한 검색결과 "총 94건"

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[PR] New Documentary Films on Korean Culture 2008.01.04
...ookbook, which was written about 1530, that includes some 121 detailed recipes for various food and beverage used for ritual ceremonies. 3. “Hangeul...
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Ginger as Both Spice and Medicine 2018.12.24

Ginger as Both Spice and Medicine

...cookbook of the West. Most of the recipes presented in the book include sp...ing included in 80 percent of the recipes. However, in the Middle Ages, th...
KF > Arts & Media
A Daily Routine as Precious as Ever 2020.06.30

A Daily Routine  as Precious as Ever

...ke shop known for its royal court recipes handed down from Joseon, the las..., handed down the royal rice cake recipes to Hong Gan-nan (1925-1999). Hon...
KF > Arts & Media
You Are What You Eat 2019.07.05

You Are What You Eat

...he Suryukjae, and her temple food recipes have been handed down to her suc...herited the authentic temple food recipes from her teacher, the late Vener...
KF > Arts & Media
Preserving the Taste of Slowness 2020.03.22

Preserving the Taste of Slowness

...ht soy sauce these days. Heirloom Recipes Ki's culinary skills are not con... developed their own dishes, with recipes passed down through the generati...
KF > Arts & Media
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