검색어 "walk"에 대한 검색결과 "총 544건"

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(-11/24(Sun) Extended)2019 KF Global Bridge II "Solar Walk" Concert 2019.11.15
[Invitation] Solar Walk Concert, Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Diplom...r invites you to attend the “Solar Walk Concert,” which celebrates the 60t...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Confirmation of Attendees] 2019 KF Global Bridge II “Solar Walk” Concert 2019.11.22
[Confirmation of Attendees] 2019 KF Global Bridge II “Solar Walk” Concert Thank you for your interest in attending the “Solar Walk” concert, held as p...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[참석자 발표] 2019 KF 세계문화브릿지 II 한-덴 수교 60주년 기념 “Solar Walk” 공연 2019.11.22
[참석자 발표] 2019 KF 세계문화브릿지 II 한-덴 수교 60주년 기념 “Solar Walk” 공연 “2019 KF 세계문화브릿지 II 한국-덴마크 수교 60주년 기념 Solar Walk 공연”에 신청해주셔서 감사합니다. 참석자 명단을 아래와 같이 발표하오니, 성...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[도서관] 미국 워싱턴대학교 동아시아도서관 성유경 5개월차 2024.05.16
...brarian에 의해 진행되었고, 단순히 시각화 툴뿐 아니라 데이터 수집, 전처리, 분석 전과정에 관한 이론적인 내용과 Data Walk라는 개념에 대해 배웠습니다. 발렌타인데이를 맞이해서 도서관에서 ‘Cookies and Data: Baking a Be...
한국국제교류재단 > KF 글로벌 챌린저 > 활동 게시판
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 313건)
Walking Toward Mankind: Walking Buddha Statues of the Sukhothai Era 2019.11.01

Walking Toward Mankind: Walking Buddha Statues of the Sukhothai Era

...azing upon the Buddhist statues. Perhaps their underlying desire was to walk in the path of Buddhist precepts, in the same manner as the walking Bud...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2019년 11월 VOL27 > Special
Forty Years Walking the Tightrope 2018.12.24

Forty Years Walking the Tightrope

...ed in a circus? How did it feel to walk on the 50-meter rope when he cover...the tightrope of life, you have to walk straight not to go astray, maintai...
KF > Arts & Media
Keep the Poetry Going Till the Day of Unification 2016.11.04

Keep the Poetry Going Till the Day of Unification

...nanyone I know. He's the best companion for walking along this path. We walk along the southern side ofthe barbed wire fence dividing the two Koreas...
KF > Arts & Media
The Road to Legendary Mountains 2018.10.08

The Road to Legendary Mountains

...gy that enveloped me on a solitary walk along the valley of Mt. Kumgang? A...gy that enveloped me on a solitary walk along the valley of Mt. Kumgang? B...
KF > Arts & Media

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