검색어 "worldview"에 대한 검색결과 "총 36건"

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[KF Global Academy] KF Global Citizenship Program 2015.09.11

[KF Global Academy] KF Global Citizenship Program

...about the rise of China as a global hegemon, and China's politics and worldview, enabling the audience to better understand the ideological thoughts...
KF > Arts & Media
Making the Creativity of Contemporary Korean Art Known to the World 2021.04.19

Making the Creativity of Contemporary Korean Art Known to the World

...ng' are linked to the thought of Western philosophy, dealing with the worldview perspectives of individuals, as well as the traditional beliefs of K...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 9월 > KF Forum
“I've been making friends and introducing Korea to ‘Countries Near and Far,' which means that the Korea Foundation and I have basically been involved in the same work.” 2013.12.18

“I've been making friends and introducing Korea to ‘Countries Near and Far,' which means that the Korea Foundation and I have basically been involved in the same work.”

...common between the main thrust of the Foundation's activities and the worldview of my comics, so I accepted the request.” Q. Your best-known work “C...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2013년 한국국제교류재단 12월 뉴스레터 > KF Interview & Essays
A Common Mission 2021.04.19

A Common Mission

...d abilities. A common mission, which lies in the creation of a Korean worldview, the assertion of a higher meaning, and maintenance of the Korean na...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2009년 5월 > Heightened Profile of Korean Studies in China
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