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[NOTICE] 2011 Application for Postdoctoral Fellowship in Europe

  • Date Jan 01, 2001


· Foreign scholars who have received Ph.D. degrees in the subjects such as liberal arts and social sciences, culture and arts, which are related to Korea, but do not currently hold a regular faculty position are eligible.

· Applicants must have received their Ph.D. degrees prior to the start of their fellowship research, but at least within the past five years.

· Korean nationals are eligible to apply only if they have permanent residency status in a country other than Korea.


Fellowship Period

A 12-month period in accordance with the academic year of the affiliated institution.



Stipend support for a 12-month period. The amount will be determined on the basis of country, region and institution where the Fellow will conduct his or her research.

The fellowship cannot be combined with other sources of support, including fellowships and grants from other organizations. Applicants shall notify the Foundation when they receive support from other sources.



 · The applicant should arrange a formal affiliation with a university or research institution other than the one from which the applicant has received his/her Ph.D. with faculty and reference resources related to the applicant"s research field.

 · Eligible host institutions are accredited universities with established centers for Korean studies and/or Korean studies programs located outside Korea.

 · The affiliated institution is requested to provide office space and access to its library/facilities, in addition to making faculty available for consultation.

 · Applicants may not be from Europe, but the affiliated institution where the applicant belongs to MUST be in Europe region.


Application Procedure

· Prior to submitting a formal application, applicants should select and contact up to three institutions for possible affiliation. When submitting an application to the Foundation, a copy of each of the request letters must be enclosed.

· The university must notify both the applicant and the Foundation of its final decision regarding affiliation.


Application ation

· Application form (supplied by the Foundation)

· Copies of letters to universities requesting institutional affiliation

· Curriculum Vitae: Should include academic degrees, disciplines, titles of theses or dissertations, dates degrees were obtained, record of employment and current position, previous grants and fellowships, and a list of publications and presentations.

· Three letters of reference (form supplied by the Foundation): To be sent directly to the Foundation from professors who are able to evaluate the proposal and the applicant"s qualifications to conduct postdoctoral research. One of the letters should be submitted by the applicant"s dissertation supervisor.

· Summary of the proposed research and plans for the dissertation revision, five pages long, including:

    - Description of proposed research and its ives;

    - Significance of the research in terms of disciplinary concerns as well as its relevance to Korean studies;

    - Description of the research methods and materials;

    - Progress of the research to date, and what the applicant expects to accomplish at the affiliated institution;

    - Reasons why research at the proposed affiliation institution would be helpful.

· Dissertations: must include abstract, table of contents, outline by chapter, and a sample chapter, along with publication plan.

· Copy of doctoral degree

· Graduate school transcripts


Selection Schedule

· Deadline for application: Apr. 30

· Result notification: end of July



· Fellows shall devote full-time effort to their studies and the revision of their doctoral dissertations. However, they may undertake part-time teaching work (no more than one course per semester or term) at the host institution if it does not interfere with their fellowship research.

· Fellows shall stay in residence at the affiliated institution and are requested to participate in the affiliated institution"s Korea-related activities.


Notes for Applicants

· Applicants may not receive more than one fellowship from the Korea Foundation for the same project. For instance, projects supported under the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program may not also benefit from the Publication Subsidy Program.

· Applicants who wish to conduct on-site research in Korea with any institutional affiliation should apply to the Foundation"s Fellowship for Field Research Program.



Korean Studies Department

Program officer in charge: Ryeong An

Telephone: (82-2) 2046-8531

E-mail: ryeongan@kf.or.kr


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