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The 2nd Korea-Japan Educational Exchange Program

  • Date Oct 12, 2001
The 2nd Korea-Japan Educational Exchange Program, co-hosted by the Foundation and Seoul National University, will be held from October 16 to October 30. This program was launched last year as a joint undertaking of the Korea Foundation and the Japan Foundation in commemoration of the Korea-Japan co-hosting of the 2002 World Cup Games. Under the program, educators from both countries visit the other's country to help gain a better understanding about their neighboring country, which will contribute to enhanced instruction for their students. Twenty-five Korean teachers visited Japan from September 19 to October 3 as part of this mutual exchange program. It is especially meaningful that this program is being conducted at a time when bilateral relationship between Korea and Japan have been strained due to the distorted information contained in certain Japanese textbooks. The two-week program will begin with a keynote lecture presented by Prof. Yong-Kuk Kim entitled "Seeking an Ideal Relationship between Korea and Japan." This will be followed by lectures on Korea's history, culture, language, education and economy. The visiting teachers will also participate in a variety of activities that will provide firsthand experience of Korean culture and society.


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