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POSCO Visiting Fellowships

  • Date Jan 05, 2002
Endowed by the Pohang Iron and Steel Corporation, the POSCO Visiting Fellowship Program at the East-West Center invites outstanding scholars and policy makers principally from North America but also from Australia and New Zealand to engage in policy relevant research on political, security, and economic issues in Northeast Asia including Korea. Nature of the Fellowship POSCO visiting fellows will be in residence at the East-West Center for one to two months and undertake research and writing on an agreed upon topic. Fellows will be paid a stipend and round trip economy airfare to Honolulu from their home base. They will be required to give one seminar, produce a peer reviewed quality article, and partake in other East-West Center activities. The fellowship is tenable anytime during calendar year 2002. Cost-sharing fellowships are welcome. Areas of Research To extend the success of POSCO Fellowship Program in its fifth year, the East-West Center will work with POSCO visiting fellows to focus research and discussion on issues regarding Northeast Asia that are of common concern -- such as globalization, economic regionalism, economic restructuring, political change, and the changing East Asian security environment, including security on the Korean Peninsula. In particular, the Year 2002 POSCO Fellowships are intended to generate constructive and informative research on four important issues: (1) the development of South-North Korean relations and its implications; (2) regional political and security order; (3) economic and political restructuring; and (4) Northeast Asian economic cooperation. Application Applicants for the fellowship should submit a complete CV and a 3 to 5 page proposal setting out the issue they propose to investigate, research method, relationship to ongoing work in the area, how the proposed study can advance regional development and cooperation, duration of fellowship required, expected time they can be in residence at the East-West Center, and the anticipated publication product. Applications comprising a cover letter, CV, research proposal, and names of three referees should be sent to: Choong Nam Kim, Coordinator of POSCO Fellowships, East-West Center, 1601 East-West Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96848 USA. Fax: (808) 944-7446. Email: kimcn@EastWestCenter.org


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