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First Arabic Edition of Koreana has been Published

  • Date May 09, 2005
The Korea Foundation published the inaugural issue of the Arabic edition of Koreana to lay the ground for cultural exchange with the Middle East where Korean Studies programs or materials on Korea are almost unavailable. It is significant that Arabic Koreana is the first periodical in the Arabic language published in Korea and opens a way to introduce Korean art and culture to the Middle Eastern region that has recently attracted attention as another axis of hallyu or the Korean Wave; overseas popularity of Korean pop culture; following Southeast Asia. First published in English in 1987, Koreana introduces to the world traditional Korean culture, relics and places of interest as well as various aspects of contemporary Korean art, including artists, artisans, and literary figures in the limelight and their works. The quarterly is published in English, French, Spanish and Chinese, and distributed to 217 countries throughout the globe. The first issue of Arabic Koreana was published in mid April and distributed to about 3,000 individuals and organizations, including governments and media in 22 countries in the Middle East. For subscription information, please contact the Foundation's Media Department: Tel: 82-2-3463-5684, E-mail:publication@kf.or.kr


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