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"Modern Korean Ink Painting" published

  • Date Jul 13, 2006
The Korea Foundation recently published “Modern Korean Ink Painting,” which has been written in English by Professor Chung Hyung-min of Seoul National University. This book reflects upon the developments of Korean art, in particular regard to ink painting, over the 100 years from 1876, when Korea was forced to open its ports to foreigners and Western cultural influences, through the 1980s. Major historical events, such as the collapse of the Joseon Dynasty, colonial rule by Japan, Korea’s independence in 1945, division of the Korean peninsula into South and North Korea, and the political democratization and development of pop culture in South Korea, are discussed in conjunction with contemporary art trends and the emergence of diverse artistic styles. In particular, the author seeks to define the significance of “modern” in Korean art history and help readers understand the evolution of Korea’s traditional aesthetics and art forms as well as the response of Korean art to periods of historical upheaval. For additional information, please contact the Foundation’s Media Department at (82-2) 3463-5684 or publication@kf.or.kr. This book can be purchased directly from Hollym Publisher (email: info@hollym.co.kr/Phone: (82-2) 734-5087/ISBN 1-56591-238-1/US$29.95).


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